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本利用規約(以下、本規約)は、Task Gaugeアプリ(以下、本アプリケーション)の利用条件を定めたものです。



1. 本規約に同意しない限り、本アプリケーションご利用者様(以下、ユーザー)は本アプリケーションを利用することができません。

2. ユーザーが端末にダウンロードしたアプリケーションを現実に利用した場合、ユーザーは本規約に同意したものとみなされます。

3. ユーザーは、本規約の定めに従って、本アプリケーションを利用するものとします。

















 1. 当方は、本アプリケーションがユーザーの特定の目的に適合すること、期待する機能・商品的価値・正確性・有用性を有すること、継続的に利用できること、及び不具合が生じないことについて、明示又は黙示を問わず何ら保証するものではありません。なお、セキュリティ等への欠陥・エラー・バグがないことについても保証しません。その他、当方は、本アプリケーションについて、次の事項に関する保証を行いません。








2.  当方はユーザーに対し、前項(第3条 第1項)にかかる一切の不具合について、当方の責任と負担で当該不具合の解消を行うことを保証しません。


3. 当方は、本アプリケーションに関してユーザーが被った損害につき、一切の責任を負わないものとします。






 These Terms of Use set forth the terms of use for the Task Gauge Application.            


  1. This Application shall mean Task Gauge app.

  2. User shall mean users of this application.

  3. The team or We shall mean the provider of this application.

  4. These terms mean the terms of use this application



  1. User cannot use this Application unless agree to these terms.

  2. If the user actually uses this application downloaded to the devises, the user is deemed to have agree to these terms.

  3. User shall use this Application in accordance with the provision of this agreement.



We may suspend or suspend the provision of all part of this Application without prior notice to the use in any of the following case: 

①In case of urgent inspection or maintenance of the computer system related to this Application.

②When the operation of this application becomes impossible due to computer or communication line failure, erroneous operation, excessive concentration of access, unauthorized access, hacking, etc.

③When the operation of this application becomes impossible due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning strike, fire, wind and flood damage, power failure, natural disaster, etc.

④In addition, when we determine that it is necessary to stop or suspend”)



We may change the contents of this application or terminate the provision of this application at our discretion.


  1. We do not expressly or impliedly state that this application is suitable for the user's specific purpose, that it has the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, usefulness, that it can be used continuously, and that there will be no defects. It does not guarantee anything regardless of. In addition, we do not guarantee that there are no security defects, errors, or bugs. In addition, we do not guarantee the following items regarding this application.
    ① Operate properly on all devices
    ② Operate normally when the OS or version is upgraded, etc.
    ③ Operate normally in the event of changes in the operation policy, terms, etc. of the platform provider, including app stores, etc.

2. We do not guarantee to the user that we will be responsible and bear the responsibility and burden of resolving any problems related to the preceding paragraph (Article 4, Paragraph 1).

3. We shall not be held responsible for any damages suffered by the user regarding this application.



If we deem it necessary, we shall be able to change these terms without obtaining the consent of the user. When changing these terms, we can change these terms at any time without notifying the user in advance. If these terms are changed, the user shall comply with the changed terms when using this application.




  1. The establishment, validity, interpretation and performance of these terms shall be interpreted in accordance with Japanese law.

  2. These terms are written in Japanese and other languages. In case of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the languages ​​of these Terms, the Japanese language shall prevail in all respects.

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